UPSC के लिए महत्वपूर्ण Books
UPSC Prelims -
1. History
• India's struggle for Independence- Bipin chandra
•facets of Indian culture books -Spectrum
• NCERT XI Ancient & Medieval
•NCERT XII - Modern Indian History
2. Geography
•Certificate Physical Geography. -G.C. Leong
•NCERT VI to X - -old syllabus
•NCERT XI -XII - New syllabus
•World Atlas
3. Indian Polity
• Indian polity - M. Laxmikant
4. Economics
• Indian Economy - Ramesh Singh
• Economic Development & Policies In India -Jain & ohri
5. International Relations
• NCERT XII - Contemporary world Politics
• Current Affairs
•World Atlas
3. Indian Polity
• Indian polity - M. Laxmikant
4. Economics
• Indian Economy - Ramesh Singh
• Economic Development & Policies In India -Jain & ohri
5. International Relations
• NCERT XII - Contemporary world Politics
• Current Affairs
•CSAT - TATA Mcgraw Hill
• CSAT Manual & Reasoning -R.S. Agarwal
• CSAT-II- Arihant
• CSAT Manual & Reasoning -R.S. Agarwal
• CSAT-II- Arihant
UPSC Mains
1. History-Indian Heritage & Culture - GS- Paper-I
- An IntroductioN to Indian Art part-1
- Text book in fine Arts for class XI
- India's struggle for Independence - Bipin chandra
- India after Independence - By Bipin Chandra
- History of Medieval India - Satish Chandra
- Ancient India by R.S sharma
2. Geography - G.S paper-2
- Geography of India – Majid Husain
- World Geography - Majid Husain
- World Atlas
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography
- fundamentals of physical Geography C: Leong
- NCERT class 1l
3. Polity & International Relations- GS Paper-2
- Indian polity - M. Laxmikanth
- Introduction to the Constitution of India -DD Basu
- India's foreign policy by Rajiv sikri
4. Economy - G.S. paper- 3
- Indian Economy- Ramesh Singh
5. Ethics- G.S. Paper-4
- Ethics: Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services By Subba Rao & P.N. Roy
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